Call for Abstract

World Congress on Chemistry and Chemical Technologies, will be organized around the theme ““Discovering contemporary Refinements in Chemistry and Chemical Technologies””

Chemistry Summit 2022 is comprised of 20 tracks and 94 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Chemistry Summit 2022.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

It is a branch of chemistry that utilizes computer simulation to help in resolving complex chemical issues. It makes the most of methods of theoretical chemistry, included into efficient computer programs, to compute the shapes, the reactions, and the properties of molecules. It is required because, apart from relatively recent results regarding the hydrogen molecular ion, the quantum many-body problem cannot be proved analytically, much less in closed form. While it results normally complement the details obtained by chemical experiments, it can in some instances predict hitherto unobserved chemical phenomena.


  • Track 1-1Biomolecular modelling programs: proteins, nucleic acid
  • Track 1-2Molecular design software
  • Track 1-3Semi-empirical programs.
  • Track 1-4Valence bond programs.
  • Track 1-5Molecular mechanics programs.

The chemical analysis of compounds in the form like small organic molecules such as insulin glargine, erythropoietin, etc. It also helps in expanding new chemical operations from existing compounds that are of medicinal and therapeutic effect. The process involves seclusion and recognition of the operations and their likely effect on the particular target and might add on a computational or synthetic observation of the principle agents.


Research in theoretical and experimental physical chemistry incorporates ultrafast research of reaction dynamics, photo acoustics, implementations of chemical physics to medical imaging, novel spectroscopic methods, computational chemistry, quantum chemistry, and molecular interchange in liquids. The heart of Brown’s experimental study in physical chemistry is the use of numerous ultrashort-pulsed laser systems, permitting ultrafast time-resolved techniques for electron diffraction, spectroscopy, and x-ray absorption.


  • Track 8-1Theoretical quantum chemistry and physics
  • Track 8-2Stochastic methods for electronic structure theory
  • Track 8-3Strongly correlated and relativistic materials
  • Track 8-4Quantum computing
  • Track 8-5Actinide structure and transport
  • Track 8-6Molecular Computing
  • Track 8-7Computational Biophysics

It is the study of chemical operations that occur in water, air, terrestrial and living environments, and the effects of human activity on them. It involves some issues such as astrochemistry, atmospheric chemistry, geochemistry. It is the scientific research of the chemical and biochemical phenomena that turn out in natural places. It should not be demented with green chemistry, which looks to minimize potential pollution at its origin. It can be described as the research of the sources, reactions, transport, effects, and fates of chemical species in the air, soil, and water surroundings, and the effect of human activity and biological activity on these. it is an interdisciplinary science that involves atmospheric, aquatic and soil chemistry, as well as deliberately depending on analytical chemistry and being related to environmental and other areas of science.


  • Track 9-1Astrochemistry
  • Track 9-2Atmospheric Chemistry
  • Track 9-3Environmental Modelling
  • Track 9-4Geochemistry
  • Track 9-5Marine Chemistry
  • Track 9-6Pollution Remediation

It is the research of the chemical formation of matter in the universe and the tasks that led to those formations. This is done essentially through the research of the chemical formation of meteorites and other physical trials. Stated that the asteroid parent bodies of meteorites were some of the earliest solid material to precipitate from the primarily solar nebula, cosmochemists are generally, but not particularly, disturbed with the objects contained within the Solar System.


  • Track 10-1Isotopic composition
  • Track 10-2Meteorite
  • Track 10-3Fractionation
  • Track 10-4Solar system
  • Track 10-5Geochemistry
  • Track 10-6Mass spectrometer
  • Track 10-7Rare gas
  • Track 10-8Bromine

It is the study of the synthesis, structure, reactivity and properties of the varied group of chemical compounds firstly constructed of carbon. All life on globe is carbon-based, thus organic chemistry is also the basis of biochemistry. The capacity to form compounds holding long chains of carbon atoms is the basis of polymer chemistry.


  • Track 11-1Substitution and elimination reactions
  • Track 11-2Structure and bonding
  • Track 11-3Alkanes, cycloalkanes, and functional groups
  • Track 11-4Resonance and acid-base chemistry
  • Track 11-5Alkenes and alkynes
  • Track 11-6Stereochemistry
  • Track 11-7Alcohols, ethers, epoxides, sulfides

This type of chemistry may also be called as agricultural chemistry. It share out with the appeal of chemistry for agricultural production, food processing, and environmental remediation as a product of agriculture. It is the research of chemistry, especially organic chemistry and biochemistry, as they connect to agriculture—agricultural production, the processing of raw products into foods and beverages, and environmental monitoring and remediation.


The synthesis directs to make ready a compound target molecule such that the result is analytically similar to the naturally happening compound, termed a natural result. It is used for structure justification, but also as a test for new synthetic methodology and sometimes to help in associating how the compound is made naturally. A natural product is a chemical substance created by a living organism that is, setup in nature. In the deep, the products add any substance created by life. They can also be formed by chemical synthesis and have played a crucial role in the evolution of the field of organic chemistry by assuming that demanding synthetic targets. The term natural product has also been expanded for trading motives to mention to cosmetics, dietary supplements, and foods produced from natural sources without added unnatural ingredients.


  • Track 13-1Discovery of new leads
  • Track 13-2Structure determination
  • Track 13-3New Strategies for total synthesis of biologically active natural products
  • Track 13-4Drugs from natural products
  • Track 13-5Total synthesis in chemical development
  • Track 13-6Isolation of natural products
  • Track 13-7Novel synthetic methods and new reagents

It is the branch of physical chemistry disturbed with the connection between electrical potential, as a quantifiable and quantitative phenomenon, and recognizable chemical change, with besides electrical potential as an result of a particular chemical change, or vice versa. The responses including electrons moving between electrodes via an electronically-conducting phase typically, but not necessarily, an external electrical circuit such as in  separated by an ionically-conducting and electronically insulating electrolyte.


  • Track 14-1Relation between Gibb’s free energy change
  • Track 14-2Kohlrausch’s law and its applications
  • Track 14-3Nernst equation and its applications
  • Track 14-4Faraday’s laws of electrolysis
  • Track 14-5Types of cells or batteries
  • Track 14-6Corrosion
  • Track 14-7Electrochemical series
  • Track 14-8Measurement of conductivity
  • Track 14-9Electrolytic cells and Electrolysis
  • Track 14-10Conductance in electrolytic solutions

This researches and utilizes instruments and techniques utilized to distinct, recognize, and certify matter. In practice, detachment, recognition or quantification may originate the whole examination or be cooperated with some other method. Severance set apart analytes. Qualitative analysis recognizes analytes, while quantitative analysis regulates the numerical amount or application. Analytical chemistry is the science of acquiring, preparing, and interfacing data about the formation and arrangement of matter. In another words, it is the art and science of controlling what matter is and how much of it survives.


  • Track 15-1Mass spectrometry
  • Track 15-2Electrochemical analysis
  • Track 15-3Separation.
  • Track 15-4Hybrid techniques.
  • Track 15-5Microscopy.
  • Track 15-6Spectroscopy.
  • Track 15-7Thermal analysis

Biochemistry well defined on procedure occurrence at a molecular level. It centres on what’s occurring inside our cells, researching elements like proteins, lipids and organelles. It also surveys at how cells interface with each other, for instance during extension or resist illness. They need to recognize how the formation of a molecule connects to its purpose, granting them to forecast how molecules will interchange.


  • Track 16-1Biochemistry and molecular biology
  • Track 16-2Biological and biomedical science - general
  • Track 16-3Comparative physiology and general physiology
  • Track 16-4Developmental biology.
  • Track 16-5Evolution
  • Track 16-6Anatomy
  • Track 16-7Biophysics
  • Track 16-8Cell biology

Nanomaterials have been used with victory in aircraft building as filler materials, to strengthen the resources of structural and non-structural polymers. The most frequently used nanocomposites adding carbon nanotubes, nanoclays, nanofibres, and graphene. It is the research of the actions of light on the nanometer scale, and of the exchange of nanometer-scale objects with light. It is a part of optical engineering, electrical engineering, and nanotechnology. It frequently assumes dielectric structures such as nanoantennas, or metallic components, which can deliver and centre light via surface plasmon polaritons.


  • Track 17-1Low weight composites
  • Track 17-2Enhanced electronics and exhibit with low power consumption
  • Track 17-3Difference of physical sensors
  • Track 17-4High strength

3D printing technology has enhanced a strong tool to bring out 3D structures in any kind of substances. The photocatalytic research revealed that TiO2-activated 3D structures utilizing nanoparticles of SiO2 in the activity generate more than 50% of turning of methylene blue in just 1 hour of irradiation and nearly 90% in 5 hrs.


  • Track 18-1Photocatalytic Studies
  • Track 18-2Microstructural Characterization
  • Track 18-3Upgrading the Mechanical Stability of the 3D Printed Structures
  • Track 18-4Materials and Methods

This is the study of bonds that live in joining the atoms or molecules. This chapter describes why only particular atoms unite with each other and produce a new product and their disposition in a specific shape. There are numerous theories such as VSEPR, valence bond theory, the molecular orbital theory that will expound all the phenomena in features. Bonding is not just an illustration but it is nature's way to get hold of each and every atom or molecule to its most stable state.


  • Track 19-1Resonance
  • Track 19-2Polar character of covalent bond
  • Track 19-3Valence bond
  • Track 19-4Hydrogen bond
  • Track 19-5Metallic bond: Elementary idea
  • Track 19-6Lewis structure
  • Track 19-7Bond parameters
  • Track 19-8Hybridization
  • Track 19-9Molecular orbital theory (MOT)

This deals with combination and actions of inorganic and organometallic compounds. This branch covers chemical compounds that are not carbon-based, which are the areas of organic chemistry. The division joining the two disciplines is far from universal, as there is much overlay in the subfield of organometallic chemistry. It has executions in every characteristics of the chemical field, together with catalysis, materials science, coatings, medications, fuels, and agriculture.

  • Track 20-1 Molecular Orbital Theory.
  • Track 20-2Acid-Base Chemistry.
  • Track 20-3 Coordination Chemistry and Crystal Field Theory
  • Track 20-4 Review of Chemical Bonding
  • Track 20-5 Redox Stability and Redox Reaction